The Holy Spirit: Your UNFAIR Advantage in Every Situation and Constant Companion!
Creative Podcast Co. Creative Podcast Co.

The Holy Spirit: Your UNFAIR Advantage in Every Situation and Constant Companion!

Have you ever felt lost, unsure of what to do next, or like you're at your wits' end? Life can throw challenges at us that leave us feeling helpless. But here's the good news--you are never alone.

The Holy Spirit is your constant companion, your guide, and your helper in every situation.

Welcome back to another empowering episode of the "You Are More" podcast! I'm your host, Amy Wienands, and today we’re diving into the amazing, life-changing role of the Holy Spirit as our uncommon, unfair advantage. Whether you're facing a personal crisis, making a difficult decision, or simply seeking direction, the Holy Spirit is ready to guide you.

In this episode, I share personal stories about how I’ve learned to lean on the Holy Spirit’s promptings, from family health crises to relationship challenges, and even everyday decisions. His wisdom and guidance are available to you too--right when you need them most!

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Declaring Victory: How to Speak Life into Every Situation
Creative Podcast Co. Creative Podcast Co.

Declaring Victory: How to Speak Life into Every Situation

Have you ever been in a challenging season where you felt like you were stuck or that the victory you needed was just out of reach? Life often comes with ups and downs, but today’s episode is here to remind you that you are a miracle in motion.

Welcome back to another powerful episode of the "You Are More" podcast! I'm your host, Amy Wienands, and today we are talking about how to approach your circumstances with faith, declaring restoration and victory over every situation. Whether you're facing personal, health, or financial challenges, this episode will guide you in speaking life and using your words to bring God's promises to fruition.

In this episode, I share my family’s recent journey through a difficult health crisis with my mom and how we witnessed a miracle in motion. We’ll talk about what it means to stand firm in faith, refuse to give up, and declare restoration in every area of your life.

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Daily Habits for Success: What Elites Do Everyday To Win
Creative Podcast Co. Creative Podcast Co.

Daily Habits for Success: What Elites Do Everyday To Win

Welcome back to another powerful episode of the "You Are More" podcast! I’m Amy Wienands, and I’m so excited to dive into today’s episode, where I’ll be sharing keys to moving the needle forward in your life. This episode is short, punchy, and packed with the tools you need to create momentum in both your personal and professional life.

Over the past week, I had the opportunity to hear from some of the greatest minds in leadership, including John Maxwell, Lisa Bluter, and Jordan Montgomery. Today, I’m sharing the common thread I found in their wisdom—daily habits that lay the foundation for success and mindset shifts that can change everything.

Whether you're looking to up-level your business, strengthen your leadership, or create a personal breakthrough, this episode will provide you with actionable steps to get there.

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"Go On": The Leader's Guide To Moving Forward Through Criticism and Challenges
Creative Podcast Co. Creative Podcast Co.

"Go On": The Leader's Guide To Moving Forward Through Criticism and Challenges

Welcome back to the "You Are More" podcast! I'm your host, Amy Wienands, and today I want to share a powerful message that has been heavy on my heart. We’ve all had those moments when unexpected criticism knocks the wind out of us, leaving us feeling defeated. But it's in these moments that we must remember to keep moving forward—to "go on."

In this episode, I open up about a recent experience that shook me to my core. Just as I was already dealing with the stress of my mom's health and other life challenges, I received a harsh critique from someone I trusted. It hurt deeply. But rather than let that criticism hold me back, I had to remind myself to keep pushing forward, to trust in my purpose, and to believe in the message I carry.

If you've ever felt blindsided by words meant to tear you down, this episode is for you. We'll talk about how to process those moments of doubt, the importance of silencing the voices from the "cheap seats," and how to keep following the path God has set before you—even when it's tough.

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  Unlocking Abundance: The Secret to Attracting Success Through The Power of Generosity
Creative Podcast Co. Creative Podcast Co.

  Unlocking Abundance: The Secret to Attracting Success Through The Power of Generosity

Welcome back to the "You Are More" podcast! I’m Amy Wienands, and I’m excited to continue our journey on discovering the needle movers in life—those things that help propel you forward into success, purpose, and abundance. After pausing to talk about my mom’s health journey, we’re back on track to explore another powerful lever mover that can have a huge impact on your life: the attitude of your heart.

In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into the idea of having a heart of abundance. It's not about acquiring more material things, but rather about celebrating the success and victories of others, even when we’re facing our own struggles. How do we approach life with a generous spirit and an abundant mindset, especially when our own circumstances might tempt us to feel lack?

I’ll share personal stories of how celebrating others has not only shaped my career but has also shifted my heart toward greater opportunities and blessings. You’ll learn why sowing into other people's success is one of the most powerful ways to unlock the doors to your own success and how your mindset and heart posture can influence the abundance in your life.

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A Grateful Heart in Times of Crisis: Amy’s Mom Update and How To Handle Life's Storms 
Creative Podcast Co. Creative Podcast Co.

A Grateful Heart in Times of Crisis: Amy’s Mom Update and How To Handle Life's Storms 

Welcome back to the "You Are More" podcast, where today I’m taking a bit of a detour from our usual conversations to share something more personal and raw. Life has a way of surprising us, sometimes with unexpected challenges that remind us of what truly matters… My family has been walking through one of those seasons, and I want to give you an update on where we are and what I’ve learned.

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Trust Your Gut: How Intuition Leads to God-Driven Success
Cassidyy Atkins Cassidyy Atkins

Trust Your Gut: How Intuition Leads to God-Driven Success

Have you ever felt a nudge from within, guiding you towards an action, a decision, or a new path? That inner voice, often called intuition, is more powerful than we sometimes realize! Often, it can be God himself guiding us on our path and telling us what step to take next.

Even if you have never been in touch with your “gut feeling” or maybe you haven;t been able to tap into to it for a season, we can all learn how to connect to this God Given Super Power! Today’s episode is all about listening to that inner guidance and trusting it to lead us to success and fulfillment.

Welcome back to another powerful episode of the "You Are More" podcast! I'm your host, Amy Wienands, and today we are discussing the importance of intuition and how it has played a crucial role in building my life and business.

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Guarding Your Vision: Protect Your Dreams from Negative People and Stay Focused on Your Path 
Cassidyy Atkins Cassidyy Atkins

Guarding Your Vision: Protect Your Dreams from Negative People and Stay Focused on Your Path 

Have you ever wondered how to build a life and business that you truly love?

Do you find yourself struggling to stay motivated when challenges arise? Today’s episode is all about the power of persistence, following your heart, and the incredible impact of our words.

Welcome back to another empowering episode of the "You Are More" podcast! I'm your host, Amy Wienands, and today we are diving into the importance of staying the course, even when the path gets tough.

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Speak Success: How Your Words Shape Your Reality
Cassidyy Atkins Cassidyy Atkins

Speak Success: How Your Words Shape Your Reality

Have you ever wondered how to build a life and business that you truly love? Have you faced challenges and wondered if there's a simple principle that can guide you through? Today’s episode is all about the power of words and how they shape our reality. Think about it this way, your WORDS create WORLDS! (Just like our heavenly Father!)

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