Guarding Your Vision: Protect Your Dreams from Negative People and Stay Focused on Your Path 

Have you ever wondered how to build a life and business that you truly love?

Do you find yourself struggling to stay motivated when challenges arise? Today’s episode is all about the power of persistence, following your heart, and the incredible impact of our words.

Welcome back to another empowering episode of the "You Are More" podcast! I'm your host, Amy Wienands, and today we are diving into the importance of staying the course, even when the path gets tough. We’ll explore how to guard your vision, the significance of taking daily action steps, and how to leverage the power of your words to create the life you desire.

In the last episode, we talked about the power of your words and how they shape your reality. If you missed it, be sure to check it out! Today, we continue with Part 2 of our series on success and building your Kingdom business.

In this episode, I share insights from my own journey and powerful stories to inspire you to keep moving forward. We’ll discuss how to navigate criticism, the importance of following your heart, and how to speak life into your dreams and goals.

Join me as we explore how to:

  • Understand the power of your words and how they shape your reality.

  • Guard your vision and protect it from negativity.

  • Take daily action steps towards your dreams.

  • Navigate criticism and stay focused on your path.

  • Develop a mindset of resilience and persistence.

Let your dreams and desires be released, and let your heart shift to hopeful expectancy because YOU ARE MORE! Hit play to hear the full episode and be inspired, encouraged, and reminded that you are more than you think you are!

PS! This is the second part of our series on success and building your Kingdom business! Hit subscribe or follow, so you don’t miss the next part. :)

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Episode Minute By Minute:

  • 0:30 - Welcome back! Amy introduces the importance of staying the course.

  • 1:30 - Reflecting on the power of words and their impact on our lives.

  • 5:45 - How to guard your vision and protect it from negativity.

  • 10:15 - The significance of taking daily action steps towards your dreams.

  • 15:00 - Navigating criticism and staying focused on your path.

  • 20:00 - Developing a mindset of resilience and persistence.

  • 22:00 - Closing thoughts and encouragement to follow your heart

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Trust Your Gut: How Intuition Leads to God-Driven Success


Speak Success: How Your Words Shape Your Reality