Speak Success: How Your Words Shape Your Reality

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Have you ever wondered how to build a life and business that you truly love? Have you faced challenges and wondered if there's a simple principle that can guide you through? Today’s episode is all about the power of words and how they shape our reality. Think about it this way, your WORDS create WORLDS! (Just like our heavenly Father!) 

Welcome back to another enlightening episode of the "You Are More" podcast! I'm your host, Amy Wienands, and today we are diving into one of the core principles that have helped me build a thriving real estate business over the past 30 years. Whether you're launching a new venture, trying to grow an existing one, or simply looking for ways to enhance your life, this episode is for you.

In this episode, I share the secret of how I prophesied over my business and life. We’ll talk about the importance of your words, how they can create or destroy, and the practical steps you can take to harness this power. By speaking positively and intentionally, you can transform your circumstances and achieve your goals.

Join me as we explore how to:

  • Understand the power of your words and how they shape your reality.

  • Use positive declarations to prophesy over your life and business.

  • Develop a mindset of abundance and success.

  • Implement daily habits that support your vision.

  • Stay motivated and committed to your goals, even when challenges arise.

Let your dreams and desires be released, and let your heart shift to hopeful expectancy because YOU ARE MORE! Hit play to hear the full episode and be inspired, encouraged, and reminded that you are more than you think you are! 


This is the first part of a series all about success and building your Kingdom business! Hit subscribe or follow, so you don’t miss the next part. :) 

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Episode Minute By Minute:

  • 0:30 - Welcome back! Amy introduces the core principle of using words to shape your reality.

  • 1:30 - How Amy started her real estate career and the power of speaking positively.

  • 5:45 - The importance of framing your words and prophesying over your life.

  • 10:15 - Practical steps to use positive declarations in your daily routine.

  • 15:00 - Stories of transformation and success through positive speech.

  • 20:00 - How to stay motivated and committed to your vision.

  • 25:00 - Closing thoughts and encouragement to speak life over your dreams.

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