Declaring Victory: How to Speak Life into Every Situation

Have you ever been in a challenging season where you felt like you were stuck or that the victory you needed was just out of reach? Life often comes with ups and downs, but today’s episode is here to remind you that you are a miracle in motion.

Welcome back to another powerful episode of the "You Are More" podcast! I'm your host, Amy Wienands, and today we are talking about how to approach your circumstances with faith, declaring restoration and victory over every situation. Whether you're facing personal, health, or financial challenges, this episode will guide you in speaking life and using your words to bring God's promises to fruition.

In this episode, I share my family’s recent journey through a difficult health crisis with my mom and how we witnessed a miracle in motion. We’ll talk about what it means to stand firm in faith, refuse to give up, and declare restoration in every area of your life.

Join me as we explore how to:

  • See your challenges as miracles in motion, where progress unfolds daily.

  • Use the power of your words to speak restoration and life over every area of your life.

  • Refuse to accept defeat and choose to trust God’s promises.

  • Maintain your faith through the highs and lows, knowing that victory is on the way.

  • Find the joy and strength to keep moving forward, even when the journey gets tough.

Let your heart shift to hopeful expectancy because YOU ARE MORE! Hit play to hear the full episode and be inspired, encouraged, and reminded that you are more than you think you are.

PS! It’s the fourth quarter of the year, and there’s still time to accomplish your goals! Let this episode be the encouragement you need to finish strong.

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Episode Minute By Minute:

  • 0:30 - Welcome! Reflecting on Fall and the push to finish the year strong.

  • 1:30 - Amy’s personal story: A family crisis and witnessing a miracle in motion.

  • 3:30 - How to see progress in the middle of challenging circumstances.

  • 6:30 - Declaring restoration over your life with the power of your words.

  • 10:00 - How to keep your faith strong during difficult seasons.

  • 13:00 - Refusing to accept defeat and choosing to trust God’s promises.

  • 15:00 - Closing thoughts: Encouragement to finish the year strong and stand in faith.

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